Investigation of Social and Circadian Rhythm Dysregulation in the Development of Depression Symptoms During the Menopause Transition

Not Recruiting
45 years - 52 years
Phase N/A
40 participants needed
1 Location

Brief description of study

The purpose of this study is to examine how depression symptoms develop when women begin the transition to menopause. This study will investigate depression symptoms by looking at how fluctuations in reproductive hormones (specifically, the hormone estradiol) might impact the body's biological sleep rhythms. This study will also look at how regularity of daily routines (like mealtimes, social interactions) and life stressors (like taking care of family members, employment concerns) can be another way in which these symptoms may develop. The purpose of this study is to examine how depression symptoms develop when women begin the transition to menopause. This study will investigate depression symptoms by looking at how fluctuations in reproductive hormones (specifically, the hormone estradiol) might impact the body's biological sleep rhythms. This study will also look at how regularity of daily routines (like mealtimes, social interactions) and life stressors (like taking care of family members, employment concerns) can be another way in which these symptoms may develop.

Detailed description of study

This study will last about 6 weeks and will involve two study visits at the University of Pennsylvania. All other study procedure take place in your own home. If you agree to join the study, you will be asked to complete the following research procedures: 
- Answer some questions about your mood, stressful life events, daily routines, and reproductive health. 
- Provide a blood sample at baseline and follow up visit to assess levels of 3 reproductive hormones (estradiol, progesterone, and follicle stimulating hormone). 
- Wear a device on your wrist for 4 weeks that measures your sleep and wake rhythms. 
- Provide a saliva sample every 4 days. 
- Store samples in your freezer until your next scheduled visit. 
- Answer a brief morning and evening survey every day for 28 days. 

Eligibility of study

You may be eligible for this study if you meet the following criteria:

  • Conditions: Perimenopause
  • Age: 45 years - 52 years
  • Gender: Female

Inclusion Criteria

- Age 45-52</div>

- Experiencing symptoms of natural menopause.
- Must have had a period within the past 90 days. 
Exclusion Criteria 
- Pregnant or lactating
- Chronic uncontrolled medical conditions (i.e. diabetes, cardiovascular conditions, cancer, thyroid disorders).
- Hormonal medications
- Medication affecting hormone levels
- Hormone replacement therapy
- Hormonal birth control
- Sleep Apnea

Updated on 03 Jan 2025. Study ID: 851534

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