The Parkinsons Progression Markers Initiative (PPMI) 2.0 Clinical - Establishing a Deeply Phenotyped PD Cohort

The Parkinsons Progression Markers Initiative (PPMI) 2.0 Clinical - Establishing a Deeply Phenotyped PD Cohort
Not Recruiting
18-99 years
Phase N/A
100 participants needed
1 Location

Brief description of study

The purpose of this study is to continue to obtain information from people with and without Parkinson disease (PD) so that researchers may better understand how Parkinson disease progresses, in order to inform better treatments. The information collected in this study is for research and not for clinical care.

This study is an expansion of the PPMI study that has been ongoing for nearly ten years. The information this study will collect includes: • clinical information • brain imaging scans • samples of blood, urine, cerebral spinal fluid, skin biopsy • information from digital applications (such as an application on your smart phone) • self-reported information from questionnaires you complete online.

Participants will also be asked if you are interested in enrolling in a brain and tissue bank. The information in this study will be used to help develop biomarkers for PD. Biomarkers are measures that tell something about PD. We are working on biomarkers in PD because they may help to understand how the disease changes over time. Having good biomarkers for PD may also be useful in developing new treatments and may help to improve clinical care in the future. In this study we will measure biomarkers that may be related to the way PD develops and changes over time.

Eligibility of study

You may be eligible for this study if you meet the following criteria:

  • Conditions:
    parkinsons,parkinsons disease
  • Age: Between 18 Years - 99 Years
  • Gender: All

Updated on 11 Sep 2024. Study ID: 843441

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