The Effects of IQOS Use on Cigarette Smoking Behaviors

The Effects of IQOS Use on Cigarette Smoking Behaviors
Not Recruiting
18-65 years
Phase N/A
40 participants needed
1 Location

Brief description of study

The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of IQOS use on cigarette smoking behavior. IQOS is a commercially available Heat-Not-Burn nicotine delivery product, which is an electronic device that heats tobacco at a constant temperature rather than burning it. The IQOS device contains a small, disposable tobacco stick (called a HeatStick) that is inserted into the device and produces a vapor when heated. The IQOS device will be supplied to you by our research team. Please note: we are currently recruiting cigarette smokers thinking about quitting sometime in the future, however this is not a quit smoking study.

Detailed description of study

The study includes 8 in-person sessions at our Center. During these sessions, participants will provide us with breath samples, answer questionnaires, and use an IQOS device in one of our Center's well-ventilated smoking rooms. After participants finish their second session, we will provide them with an IQOS device that they will be instructed to smoke (at no cost) for 14 days. Over the course of the entire study, we will ask participants to collect their used IQOS HeatSticks (tobacco sticks) and cigarette filters in bags provided by the Center. Participants will be asked to bring these HeatSticks and cigarette filter collection bags with them to each session. 

The entire study will take approximately 3 weeks for participants to complete. Participants will be asked to attend 8 in-person sessions every 3-6 days. The first 3 sessions will range from 1-2 hours long, and the remaining sessions will be about 30 minutes long. Two sessions will require participants to come to the center at 9:00AM.

Participation in this research study is entirely voluntary, and any information we collect about participants will be kept strictly confidential.

Additional Information
Please note: we are currently recruiting cigarette smokers thinking about quitting sometime in the future- however, this is not a quit smoking study.

Eligibility of study

You may be eligible for this study if you meet the following criteria:

  • Conditions:
  • Age: Between 18 Years - 65 Years
  • Gender: All

Current cigarette smokers between the ages of 18 and 65 years old.

Updated on 01 Aug 2024. Study ID: 843646

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