Investigation of the Effect of Branched Chain Amino Acids on Fat-Induced Insulin Resistance in Healthy Adults (BCAA)
Brief description of study
The study is designed to test the idea that branched chain amino acids, a specific component of all protein, and fat combine to cause a temporary state of insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is a condition that occurs when your body demands more insulin to control your blood sugar level. Branched chain amino acids are building blocks for protein found in nearly everything we eat. There are three branched chain amino acids: valine, leucine, and isoleucine, and we are measuring the effect of valine, leucine, or all three combined.
Specifically, we will test the effect of these amino acids in healthy individuals. We hope to find out whether branched chain amino acids cause a temporary state of insulin resistance. We will compare your insulin sensitivity in response to low-dose fat infusion plus either valine, leucine, all three amino acids combined, or a placebo.
Detailed description of study
We expect to recruit a total of 30 people to participate in this study.
If you agree to participate in this research, your involvement will last up to 4 months (5 visits).
When you complete this study, you will be compensated for your time.
For your screening visit, you will receive $60.
For each of the visits where a clamp was completed you will receive $200 for the first visit, $300 for the second visit, $400 for the third visit, and $500 for the fourth and final visit.
In summary, you will receive a total of$1500.
If you do not complete the study, you will be compensated for the number of visits you have completed.
Eligibility of study
You may be eligible for this study if you meet the following criteria:
- Conditions: Insulin Resistance, Healthy
Age: 18 years - 39 years
Gender: All
1. BMI between 18.8 and 27</p>
2. Age 18 - 39
3. No smoking or use of tobacco products.
4. No more than 1 immediate family member with a diabetes diagnosis.