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This dual-site, double-blinded, randomized, sham-controlled, crossover study is to assess the safety, feasibility, and preliminary efficacy of SEEG-guided multi-lead DBS in 10 participants suffering from severe symptoms of chronic, treatment-refractory OCD. Stage 1: Invasive SEEG Monitoring and Recovery Goal: To perform stimulation mapping studies and SEEG recordings, that aid in …
The primary study objective is to evaluate the rate of durable remission of relapsing disease activity, assessed serially both clinically and by MRI, from randomization through 48 months in participants with early relapsing multiple sclerosis who discontinue OCR after 12 and 24 months of treatment. Secondary objectives include: - Mechanistic: …
All objectives are listed in section 3 of the protocol, but the primary objective is to demonstrate that RAP-219 is effective in reducing frequency of RNS- recorded long episodes in participants with focal onset seizures. The primary endpoint is the change in RNS long episode frequency during the second 4-week …
Please refer to section 3 of the study protocol. Penn will only enroll participants into Part 3 of the study. PRIMARY OBJECTIVES The primary objective of Part 1 is to assess the safety, tolerability, and manufacturing feasibility of Descartes-08 in patients with GMG. Part 1 of the study follows an …
1.Compare the impact on submaximal exercise endurance of Empa, with and without KNO3, as compared to active control (Potassium Chloride, KCl).2.Assess the impact of Empa, with and without KNO3, on SkM OxPhos using novel in vivo MRI-based imaging techniques that quantify SkM OxPhos and intramuscular perfusion with exercise3.Assess the impact …
Primary Objective: To compare the efficacy of 2 doses of BHV-7000 to placebo as an adjunctive therapy for refractory focal onset epilepsy as measured by the change from baseline in 28-day average seizure frequency. Secondary Objcetives: -To compare the efficacy of 2 doses of BHV-7000 to placebo as adjunctive therapy …
Primary Objective: a) To measure the proportion of breast cancer patients where Cerianna positron emission tomography (PET)/computed tomography (CT) detection of estrogen receptor (ER) status alters the preexamination intended therapeutic management Secondary Objectives: a) Per subject, to qualitatively assess heterogeneity in tumor Cerianna uptake relative to standard-of-care imaging b) Per …
This study aims to learn more about the use of Mirvetuximab soravtansine and Olaparib as a maintenance therapy after completion of prior therapy for recurrent platinum sensitive ovarian, peritoneal and fallopian tube cancer. Mirvetuximab soravtansine is an effective antibody drug conjugate that targets folate receptor alpha. Olaparib is one of …