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Found 4 ps-center-for-treatment-of-anxiety trials

A listing of ps-center-for-treatment-of-anxiety medical research trials actively recruiting patient volunteers. Search for closest city to find more detailed information on a research study in your area.

 Harnessing Hormonal Variation to Probe Neural Mechanisms of OCD and Symptom Reduction by EX/RP
18 years - 45 years
All genders
Studies show that hormones affect the brain’s fear extinction network, which is relevant for therapy involving exposure and ritual prevention (EX/RP), a first-line treatment for obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). This study will examine the effect of delivering EX/RP to women during different phases in their menstrual cycle to determine the effects of hormones on the …
7 years - 17 years
All genders
Anxiety is very common in autistic youth. Recently, an intervention has been created by the investigators to target these symptoms in autistic youth in a community setting. The purpose of this study is to determine the feasibility of implementing this treatment in community care centers.
99 years or below
All genders
This study’s goal is to identify and validate a package of implementation strategies to promote reach, effectiveness, adoption, implementation and maintenance of ASIST among Suicide Intervention Officers (SIO) in the Connecticut Army National Guard. Aim 1: Finalize our formative research to develop the implementation package for SIOs and chaplains. Hypothesis …
18 years or above
All genders
The purpose of this research study is to better understand anxiety fluctuations during the perinatal period using technology-based daily assessment of mood, anxiety, sleep, and activity levels. This study uses a daily mood diary to monitor anxiety and wearable technology to track sleep and physical activity. All tasks during the 28-day …