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Found 5 rehabilitation-medicine trials

A listing of rehabilitation-medicine medical research trials actively recruiting patient volunteers. Search for closest city to find more detailed information on a research study in your area.

 Towards Objective Metrics to Quantify the Role of HIV and Increasing Cognitive Demand on Instrumental ADLs in People Aging with HIV
50 years - 100 years
Accepts healthy volunteer
All genders
In this study, we aim to explore how robots can help us understand and support daily activities and cognitive-motor skills in people living and aging with HIV. Daily tasks, known as Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs), often require good executive functioning and coordination. Unfortunately, there aren't many effective ways …
 Neural and Motor Functional Changes in HIV and Stroke Before and After Robot-Assisted Neurorehabilitation
18 years - 100 years
All genders
The purpose of this research study is twofold: to study the role HIV has on the brain’s function and more particularly, the relationship between HIV and stroke; and to study how the presence of HIV effects robot-assisted rehabilitation after stroke, and its association with clinical improvement.
 The Influence of Haptic Communication on Healthy and Impaired Human Motor Learning of a Robot-Based Task
18 years - 100 years
Accepts healthy volunteer
All genders
This study looks at how people learn to do things with robots. We want to see if it’s easier to learn when you work with someone else or when you do it by yourself. We are also interested in how different people with different physical and thinking abilities learn these …
 Quantifying Cognitive and Motor Impairment in Adults Living with Sickle Cell Disease
18 years - 100 years
Accepts healthy volunteer
All genders
We are developing an objective method for assessing motor and cognitive impairment in adults with SCD and using it to determine how we can understand the impact of SCD on aging especially with respect to cognitive impairment and motor performance in activities of daily living.
 Cognitive Impact of Learned Non-use Behavior in Stroke Patients
18 years - 100 years
All genders
The purpose of this study is to investigate the cause of brain’s reduced control of muscles in the arm after stroke. We will use brain sensors (EEG) and muscle sensors (EMG) to understand the transfer of information from the brain to the muscles in the arm. We will also study the readiness potential which is a …